Spring Arrivals

On March 11, 2022, we welcomed our first spring migrant, a female Rufous hummingbird. She remained around the yard all day, at one point sharing a very small, three-port hummingbird feeder with male and female Anna’s hummingbirds. She was still in the yard the following morning although much more scarce during the day. (Sorry about including the feeder in the photo, but you often have to take what you van get!)

On the following day (Mar 12, 2022) our first male Rufous hummingbird visited the yard, but he only made a very brief visit to the feeder, made a quick tour of the yard and then disappeared for the rest of the day.

Looking back over my spring arrival records, I see the earliest arrival for our yard was on March 2 (2021) and our latest arrival date was on March 27 (2008). And yes, they have been trending towards earlier arrivals.

The female returned on Mar 12 but spent much less time visiting the feeder. At one point I saw two Anna’s females sharing the feeder, a very unusual occurrence.

The hummingbirds are draining both of my small feeders in about a day, so it won’t be long before I graduate to a couple of larger feeders. I look forward to the time our salvia, pruned for the winter, recover and begin blooming and offer the opportunity for photos of the hummingbirds in flight.

I spent considerable time in the yard both days (Mar 11 & 12) photographing other species of birds. Our very shy male Varied thrush disappeared for two days but was back Mar 12 and I obtained some good photos. He was joined in the yard by one or more cousins, American robins. It amazes me how the robins can be so proficient at grubbing for worms! After short periods of very successful worming the Robin would take a leisurely bath in the 45-degree water!

We have a number of sparrow species in the yard. As I probably mentioned in a prior post, we are absolutely overrun with Dark-eyed Oregon juncos… and are still hosting our leucistic male for the second season in a row! I often wish for more species of birds in the yard but the juncos provide so many opportunities for beautiful photographs.

We also have several Spotted towhees and Golden-crowned sparrows, a couple of Song sparrows, at least one Fox sparrow (not pictured) and a complement (if I deign to call it that), of House sparrows (also not pictured). A few days ago we had a White-crowned sparrow in the yard for a day.

I haven’t posted to my website in several weeks, mainly due to computer problems which are yet to be fully resolved. My internal hard drive began to fail and I was fortunate to have been able to replace it before it completely failed. I’ve learned an important lesson about the importance of backups and am in the process of creating both an on-site backup and a cloud storage backup on the advice of a computer guru/friend. 

But while my computer activities (processing photos and posting to my blog) were compromised the situation didn’t keep me from talking photos, although my photography situation has been degraded by the lack of interesting visitors to the yard and the inclement weather conditions. I’ve accumulated a backlog of photos and as I process them I’ll attempt to use them to stretch towards better weather and the arrival of spring migrants. 

I’ll begin with a juvenile Cooper’s hawk which toured the yard on Feb 2, 2022.  I realized I wouldn’t be able to sneak into the yard for photos and had to take photos from inside the house. The extra glass degrades the photos to some extent but I was happy that I was able to obtain some photos. 

Another visitor I had to photograph through the glass was a Red-breasted Sapsucker that visited our yard for a cold bath on Feb 18.  It was the first one we had seen since the small influx we had in Dec. 

While I’m on the subject of yard birds I’ll mention that we have finally, for about the past couple of weeks, had a single male Varied thrush visit the yard on a daily basis.  (It was missing on Mar 8.) The bird is super wary and I have to have a lot of time and patience to obtain photos. In past winters we have had Varied thrushes for most of the winter, but this year even the snows failed to bring the thrushes down from the mountains and into our yard.

Here’s a photo I took of the thrush on Mar 6.

And finally I want to close with some advice… I can’t emphasize how important it is to back up important information (photos, communications, genealogy, etc.) on your computer!!!  Hard drives don’t last forever!


While I’ve embarked on several excursions to the local area to photograph waterfowl this fall/winter, I’ve had very little luck finding subjects for my photography. On the afternoon of January 16 I decided to give it another try without having much hope of any success. My plan was to tour March Point but I only made it as far as the Cap Sante Marina. There I encountered a small flotilla (maybe about eight) of female Buffleheads diving for food.

Over the next hour or so they were joined by several other species. This is one of about three male goldeneyes that eventually joined the flotilla… I think this is a Common goldeneye but its winter plumage makes it difficult for me to make a positive identification.

While I was engaged in photographing members of the flotilla a pair of Red-breasted mergansers sneaked up on me from behind and I at first missed the opportunity for really good photos, but they eventually returned.

Eventually two or three female Hooded mergansers joined the group…

I took 285 photos which included all sorts of combinations of the birds…

Here are a female Red-breasted merganser, two female Hooded mergansers and three female Buffleheads

Here are a male Common goldeneye and a female Red-breasted merganser...

And here are a male Common goldeneye, female Red-breasted merganser and a female Bufflehead

But wait… there was more! As I was leaving the dock a male Belted kingfisher landed on a boat in front of me, capping a great afternoon of photography!

January 7, 2022

A few photos to get the New Year off right! These photos were all taken on January 7, 2022.

With a friend I first canvassed the neighborhood and found a few Varied thrushes, one of the females of which is pictured here.

We next encountered this Bald eagle perched on a power pole on March Point. Always better to find them perched on tree limbs, but along the roads the good perches on trees are rarer.

This Great Blue Heron was beside a road over on the Skagit Flats.

It was a fairly uneventful excursion, but when I returned to the house I noticed that there were quite a few birds in the yard, so I set up outside for awhile. Here’s a female Dark-eyed (Oregon) junco.

This is the leucistic male Dark-eyed (Oregon) junco that’s spending its second winter with us.

Other visitors to the yard include this Fox sparrow

a Song sparrow

and this Golden-crowned sparrow.

Snow! (December 27, 2022)

I believe this was my first White Christmas at any location where I was living at the time. I always look forward to snow both for the change of scenery but also for the opportunities it gives for nature photography. The birds can be easier to locate and are usually more reluctant to fly.

It’s been a somewhat boring fall here at the house… just the usual visitors dominated by a very large number of Dark-eyed Oregon juncos.

As I have previously mentioned, our leucistic Dark-eyed Oregon junco is back with us this winter and it appears that it’s now firmly in its element!

The inverted suet feeder in our yard was a big drawing card for all but the last species pictured below. I usually refrain from photographing birds on feeders, but this female Northern flicker was an opportunity too good to let pass.

This Red-breasted nuthatch was anxious to displace a Downy woodpecker on the suet feeder and gave me the opportunity to get better photos than might have otherwise been possible.

This male Downy woodpecker was waiting for an opportunity to access the suet.

Bushtits sweep through the yard several times a day, stopping briefly to mob the suet. I managed to catch this pair (male and female) waiting for an opportunity to access the suet feeder. So how do I know this is a pair and which is the male and which is the female?

These were all nice photos, but not the big news of the day (12/27). I noticed some unusual activity on the trunk of our largest fir tree, and upon investigating I discovered a Red-bellied sapsucker. I grabbed my camera and positioned myself where I could get photos. Before long I discovered that there were actually TWO sapsuckers!

I had seen Red-breasted sapsuckers on our property only once previously, many years ago. They had been on this same tree (our largest fir) and had been fighting, at one point on the ground. The sapsuckers I was observing this day also exhibited some aggression, apparently attempting to defend what they considered personal feeding sources (sap holes). (The next day (12/28) I discovered a THIRD sapsucker on the tree!)