November 12, 2022 – Kinglets & Thrushes

On November 12 , 2022, I decided to spend a little camera time in the yard when I spied a male Varied thrush drinking at the base of the watercourse. After organizing my camera and clothing I checked again before going outside. A female Varied thrush was now in the exact spot where the male had been. I tried to unobtrusively slip outside but the female flushed and left the yard. Over the next couple of hours I had four more return visits from thrushes, but they were very shy and, although expressing interest, wouldn’t descend to the watercourse. The sun was shining brightly but the yard was in shadow so I was unable to obtain quality photos. (Birding photography is better on overcast days for a variety of reasons.) 

As soon as I settled outside I saw three Golden-crowned kinglets in the vicinity, including the watercourse. By the time I got organized the three kinglets had left, but later I had a visit from two and still later I had a visit from one. 

Other noteworthy birds in the yard… a Song sparrow, a male Downy woodpecker, several Golden-crowned sparrows, approximately 17-18 California quail and just after I left the yard, a flock of Bushtits

A male House finch

An adorable Chestnut-backed chickadee which provided me with several poses!

Cold and Wind Bring Birds to the Yard!

On the evening of November 7, 2022, we found out from neighbors that they had a light dusting of snow on the ground. At our house, closer to the 49-degree water around Fidalgo Island, the temperature hovered just above freezing until after daylight the next morning. Our birdbaths finally froze but not the watercourse. We had hoards of visiting American robins which arrived for our running water. And they weren’t just drinking the water… many were bathing in it!

Among the robins was this leucistic American robin, which showed up at least twice. On its first visit I was photographing it through a window but I was desperate enough for a good photo that I finally went outside and sat in the cold wind for about an hour to obtain good photos. (Somebody owes me one!)

Along with the robins were two Varied thrushes (a male and male and female), only our second visit to the yard by this species this year. We also had two Golden-crowned kinglets visit.  

Just to round out this post, a female House sparrow

and FREE for the asking, an Eastern Gray squirrel.

October Wind Storm

We had another of our early fall windstorms on October 27, 2022. In the late morning I looked outside and saw about 20 American robins around the yard, most interested in one of our water features. I was monitoring activity to see if a Varied thrush might be mixed in with the robins but saw none.

We have a small stone birdbath around which 5-6 robins congregated. One of the robins in the middle of the bath was especially aggressive… here you see a photo of it threatening another robin which is preening.

As I gazed at the activity in the yard my attention was drawn towards a nondescript bird whose behavior indicated it was probably a warbler, and after watching it for a few minutes I decided it was probably a juvenile Yellow-rumped warbler. I went outside with my camera and managed to take many photos of the bird thanks to our various staging objects. Here are some of the photos…

October 15, 2022: Good Yard Birding!

My yard birding on Saturday, October 15, 2022, began about mid-morning when I returned from breakfast and counted at least nine Golden-crowned sparrows in the yard, probably a new record!  There were no other species of interest so I took a break. 

Around 1pm I looked out the window and saw a Golden-crowned kinglet around the watercourse so I headed back outside with my camera. Before long we had at least three in the yard and I suspected at least one more. I was able to take many photos of the birds. 

During the kinglets’ incursion a Pacific wren entered the yard and eventually ended up traveling along the side of the watercourse. I switched my attention to it since photos of the wren are harder to come by. 

Shortly after the Golden-crowned kinglets left a Ruby-crowned kinglet entered the yard, but I was only able to obtain a ‘record’ shot of it. I had a second visit about an hour later but fared even worse, getting no photo. 

About an hour later we had another visit from three Golden-crowned kinglets. On this visit all three discovered wet leaves on our madrone trees ( from my banishing squirrels from the yard) and they opted to take ‘leaf baths’ instead of visiting the watercourse. 

During my observations I saw the Spotted towhee with the crossed beak that I had photographed several days previously.  (no photo.)

We’ve had several visits by Anna’s hummingbirds visiting the yard, and most seem to be males. Even though there were a couple of intervening branches, I liked this photo…

During most of this time I was kept company by one of our Townsend’ chipmunks which has yet to hibernate for the winter. It profits from sunflower seeds broadcast for the birds and its own special supply of diced peanuts. 

I was just getting ready to give it up about mid-afternoon when I thought I saw a woodpecker fly to one or our medium-sized fir trees in the yard. It wasn’t of much interest (Downy woodpeckers are common in the yard and this bird was not within acceptable photographic range)… when I noticed it had a dark red head!  This was a Red-breasted sapsucker, a very rare yard visitor!  I tried to take some photos of the bird but it was mostly hidden by the trunk of the tree. It flew after a minute or so, and unfortunately, instead of flying further into the yard it flew to the woods to the south of us. 

More Fall Migration

Fall migration has slowed, but we still have a few interesting birds trickling through. 

On October 5, 2022, we had a Yellow-rumped warbler stop by for a bath in the watercourse. This was probably a female and/or a first year juvenile judging by its muted plumage. It was generous with its time, allowing me many opportunities for photos. 

On October 07, 2022, we had another Hermit thrush enter the yard. I thought I had gotten a really good photo, but when I was processing my photos and got to what I thought was my best photo I found it was heavily horizontally banded in colors, something I had never experienced with any camera. However the thrush made its rounds of the yard and I obtained several good photos, including this one.

On October 8, 2022, I finally obtained a photo of a Golden-crowned kinglet. I had been seeing a very few but was having a difficult time obtaining a photograph because they weren’t coming down to the watercourse. On this day one made a very brief visit and I obtained a photo.

I typed the following paragraph while viewing the Seahawks (RIP) game…

What’s missing so far… Brown creepers (not migratory) which haven’t visited in many months and Ruby-crowned kinglets. Our next “first of season” visitor is likely to be a Varied thrush, but that’s probably not going to happen until the Cascades get snow which will drive them down from the mountains.  We desperately need precipitation… even native plants in the yard are suffering.

Less than an hour later I was freshly outside with my camera when I detected movement of a larger bird in one of our fir trees. I didn’t have a clear view but managed to see enough to identify a male Varied thrush. I took a “record” photo… a photo I could use to confirm I’d seen the bird. If you’re wondering what a record photo might look like, I’m including it here…

I really disappointed when I miss the opportunity to obtain a photo of a first seasonal occurrence for the yard, but I wasn’t to be disappointed this day. The bird made its rounds of the yard and finally descended to the watercourse for a lengthy drink, in essence making my day!

A short time later a female or juvenile Varied thrush male a brief appearance but I was unable to obtain a photo of it.