I continue to get a few interesting birds in the yard this early fall. On September 11, 2024, I had a sudden influx of 4-5 adult and one juvenile White-crowned sparrows which were attracted to some sunflower seeds I had dispersed on the ground. They fed for about a minute or two and then all left. I have never known White-crowned sparrows to be gregarious.

I spent a little time outside before the rain on September 13, 2024, and was visited by what I think was a female or juvenile Yellow warbler! The bird was a uniform, pale yellow, too uniform in coloring to be an Orange-crowned warbler. I saw it making its way through the bushes but before I could get a photo it flew to a Japanese maple immediately adjacent to me, too close for a photo.
A short time later I had a visit from a juvenile or female Yellow-rumped warbler and obtained several photos as it accessed the watercourse for a short bath.

While I was in the yard this male Anna’s hummingbird made a brief stop. Here you can see the effect your viewing angle has on the apparent color of the gorget.

A single juvenile White-crowned sparrow continued to visit the yard and I obtained a lot of photos.