July 21, 2024 Yard Birding

It’s been quite a while since I last posted to my blog… as friends know, for good reason.  

On Sunday, July 21, 2024, I was well into chores (laundry, guest schedule, repairing bird baths from raccoon depredations, sweeping the upper deck, etc.) when  realized that it was overcast and ideal for bird photography.  I shifted gears and spent several hours outside photographing birds.  There were a lot of them!  The largest populations were House sparrows, both species of chickadees, American goldfinches and House finches… but there were some nice additions.  

  • Warbler, Yellow-rumped (two appearances, probably a juvenile) 
  • Grosbeak, Black-headed (m & f) 
  • Creeper, Brown 
  • Bushtit 
  • Kinglet, Golden-crowned (m) 
  • Quail, California (m, f & 2j) 
  • Hummingbird, Anna’s (f) 
  • Hummingbird, Rufous (f) 
  • Siskin, Pine 
  • Flicker, Northern (m, f & j) 
  • Woodpecker, Downy (m & f) 
  • Nuthatch, Red-breasted 
  • Chickadee, Black-capped (a & j) 
  • Chickadee, Chestnut-backed 
  • Sparrow, White-crowned (j) 
  • Junco, Dark-eyed Oregon (m & j) 
  • Robin, American (a & j)
  • Towhee, Spotted (m, f, & j) 
  • Finch, House (m, f, & j) 
  • Sparrow, House (m, f, & j) 

I’m still trying to work through all the photos and have a long way to go, but here are a few, all juveniles except for possibly the last one…

Juvenile White-crowned sparrow

Juvenile Dark-eyed (Oregon) junco

Juvenile female California quail

Juvenile American robin

Juvenile female Bushtit

Female Anna’s hummingbird