When you landscape for wildlife you often attract a lot of creatures other than birds. When the birding gets slow I often content myself by photographing what else happens to be in the yard. On May 25, 2024, I had a variety of subjects to fill in my time while waitIng for spring migrants.
This curious raccoon sauntered into the yard and gave me a stare…

I had a visit from what I believe to be a Western Swallowtail but am somewhat troubled with identification by its lack of yellow color…

We have as many as three Eastern Gray squirrels in the yard at one time. I provide discouragement but they are highly motivated by any bird food they can procure!

We have at least ten American goldfinches visiting the yard at times. This one pictured is a juvenile male.

We have at least two pair of California quail that visit the yard on a regular basis. Last winter we had as many as 19 coming to the yard but they have now dispersed for breeding season. We’re eagerly anticipating the arrival of chicks!

And finally, a frequent t companion when the birding gets slow… one of at least three Townsend’s chipmunks...