As you saw in my last post, I have discovered a male Anna’s hummingbird on the same exact perch as where I had photographed it/one last year. On February 16, 2024, I returned to the hummingbird’s location in the neighborhood and managed to get a few feet closer. I also found that I could enlarge my images slightly without losing too much quality. So here are some of the 70+ photos I kept of the more than 250 photos I took of the hummingbird in a little more than an hour…
This is a photo of the hummer without its gorget illuminated.

Here is a photo of the hummer vocalizing. The sound was far beyond my hearing range but I could tell by the birds actions that it was vocalizing.

This is a photo of the hummer stretching. It would spread its wings and splay its tail for a few seconds.

Here is a photo of the bird displaying its illuminated gorget.

And another of the bird vocalizing.

We have had an Anna’s hummingbird at the house which, for several months, I thought was a female. However it is apparently a first-year male and is now in the process of transitioning into its adult male plumage.
And while I was photographing the hummingbird I managed to attract a curious Spotted towhee.