On January 18, 2024 we had snow from about dawn to dusk. The temperature at our house vacillated between 32-33 degrees all day, but all the precipitation was snow. We ended the day with an accumulation of about 2-3″. I spent about an hour outside and ended with 167 photos, many of which were virtual duplicates. There were NO unusual birds… these were birds that are in the yard almost constantly.
Most of the birds in the yard were sparrows of one species or another, with the overwhelming number of birds being juncos. On to the photos…
Male and female Spotted towhees…

Male and female Dark-eyed (Oregon) juncos…

A Fox sparrow…

A Song sparrow…

A Golden-crowned sparrow…

A suet feeder featuring at least a dozen Bushtits and one Chestnut-sided chickadee…

An American robin, which gave me hope we might have a visit from a Varied thrush, but it didn’t happen,,,

And a surprise visitor that needs no introduction, especially in this neighborhood!