August 5, 2023 dawned heavily overcast and cool. It was the kind of weather change that can sometimes spark bird activity so I planned to spend some extra time in the yard watching for unusual birds. After breakfast I received a text from neighboring birders that they had just seen a pair of Wilson’s warblers in their yard, so that encouraged me even more. I spent a couple of hours in the yard during the late morning but saw nothing unusual.
I took a break (OK, a nap!) and when I gazed out our kitchen window a little after 5pm I saw one of our coveys of California quail and so got my camera and headed back outside.

It’s getting more and more difficult to quickly detect the difference between the adult female quail and this year’s juveniles. This is one of the juveniles.

After just a few minutes of photographing quail I saw some color entering the yard and quickly realized it was a Black-headed grosbeak, the first I had seen since photographing one June 18! This bird was pretty obviously a juvenile… it showed no concern about flying to within about ten feet of my wife and I and taking two rather leisurely baths. I took LOTS of photos!

Within a few minutes of the grosbeak leaving the yard a male Wilson’s warbler appeared. It landed on a staging object just above the watercourse but failed to descend to the water. I obtained a few quick photos before it left the yard. Somewhat later I saw at least one more visit to the yard from inside the house.

And finally, this photo of a male Northern flicker…

I again spent significant time in the yard on August 6 with clearing weather. We had lots of birds but I saw nothing unusual.