I’ve detailed in prior posts my frustration regarding lack of interesting migratory birds in the yard this summer. I spend a lot of time monitoring the yard, an activity that would probably bore most people, even some birders. With not a lot of unusual bird activity, I’m always alert for something to photograph.
When presented with the opportunity I look for other photographic opportunities to occupy my time and interest. This may include Pacific tree frogs, butterflies, insects and plants. But during the warmer months (they hibernate during winter) some of my favorite non-avian subjects are the native Townsend’s chipmunks that visit the yard. I’ve had as many as four in the yard at one time but usually there are no more than two, and I have no idea what the greater population may be in our immediate area. It’s clear that one or two are more or less habituated to human interaction (at the modest cost of a few peanut kernels!).
Here are a couple of photos of one (?) of my friends I photographed on August 1, 2023.