For at least the last week I’ve been anticipating early spring migrants arriving in the yard and have therefore spent significant time in our yard most afternoons with little to show for my efforts. My photos have mostly been of the Golden-crowned sparrows (which will soon be migrating themselves), our White-crowned sparrow(s) (which will also probably soon be on its way) and my faithful companion, the Townsend’s chipmunk which between eating sunflower seeds, seems to be building a nest. (I have yet to locate it but I’ve narrowed the probable location.)
During the day my sister in Austin was texting her observations of many species often and and then then we pmigrating birds she was seeing at the same time I was photographing our leftover winter visitors.
I returned to the yard about 4pm and before I even got seated I became aware there was a Townsend’s warbler exploring our water features! It ultimately decided on two baths in our watercourse… 70+ photos later I was welcoming the migration! This is a beautiful (handsome?) male, a rarity here in the yard and a species we usually only see once or twice a year.
So without further rambling, here are some selected photos of our Townsend’s warbler…