On April 17, 2023, the day after my last post, I spent a cold 2-3 hours in the yard waiting for another warbler sighting. It was not only cool but there was also a wind blowing, so it was somewhat of an ordeal. The birds weren’t cooperating and unlike the previous day Ii only had about one good influx of the usual visitors.
Towards the end of my ordeal I saw another Orange-crowned warbler, and this one hung around enough for me to obtain some good photos. I have no idea if this was the one I saw the previous day or a new visitor.

Immediately after the warbler left the yard this White-crowned sparrow posed for a nice photo…

After a day’s absence our White-throated sparrow showed up for a brief visit. It appeared to be going through the molt as have many of our Golden-crowned sparrows in the last couple of weeks.

I mentioned in my last post that we have a pair pf crows building a nest nearby. Here is one of the pair with a beakful of nesting material!

When the birding slows I have a Townsend’s chipmunk that keeps me company. It’s a big fan of peanuts! It consumed this peanut like we might eat a banana!