On the morning of March 20, while running an errand into town, I made it a point to drive by the Cap Sante Marina to see what might be in the yacht basin. I spied a Common loon drifting around and so hurried home for my camera. The loon was still there when I returned and I obtained some good photos.
This loon appears to still be transitioning to breeding plumage, but it appears there’s not a lot more to be done. In the past many of the loons in the marina have been rather shy but this one actually moved closer to me as it headed east along the passageway adjacent to the marina office.

I photographwedi this Song sparrow going through some of the debris along the shoreline.

A pair of Mallards were working along the shoreline…

And finally, as a kind of added bonus, a Killdeer was browsing along the shoreline…

All of these photos were taken with my new Nikon D850 camera mounted with my old Nikor 500mm f5.6 lens. I’m finding that I can shoot at much higher ISOs in lower light with the new camera and it seems to be much better at focusing on distant subjects.