On November 12 , 2022, I decided to spend a little camera time in the yard when I spied a male Varied thrush drinking at the base of the watercourse. After organizing my camera and clothing I checked again before going outside. A female Varied thrush was now in the exact spot where the male had been. I tried to unobtrusively slip outside but the female flushed and left the yard. Over the next couple of hours I had four more return visits from thrushes, but they were very shy and, although expressing interest, wouldn’t descend to the watercourse. The sun was shining brightly but the yard was in shadow so I was unable to obtain quality photos. (Birding photography is better on overcast days for a variety of reasons.)

As soon as I settled outside I saw three Golden-crowned kinglets in the vicinity, including the watercourse. By the time I got organized the three kinglets had left, but later I had a visit from two and still later I had a visit from one.

Other noteworthy birds in the yard… a Song sparrow, a male Downy woodpecker, several Golden-crowned sparrows, approximately 17-18 California quail and just after I left the yard, a flock of Bushtits.

A male House finch…

An adorable Chestnut-backed chickadee which provided me with several poses!