We had another of our early fall windstorms on October 27, 2022. In the late morning I looked outside and saw about 20 American robins around the yard, most interested in one of our water features. I was monitoring activity to see if a Varied thrush might be mixed in with the robins but saw none.
We have a small stone birdbath around which 5-6 robins congregated. One of the robins in the middle of the bath was especially aggressive… here you see a photo of it threatening another robin which is preening.

As I gazed at the activity in the yard my attention was drawn towards a nondescript bird whose behavior indicated it was probably a warbler, and after watching it for a few minutes I decided it was probably a juvenile Yellow-rumped warbler. I went outside with my camera and managed to take many photos of the bird thanks to our various staging objects. Here are some of the photos…