On May 3, 2022, I had several warbler visits during the day, but most occurred during the afternoon. My observations led me to hope that I might have more migrants through the yard so I resolved the next day to spend significant time there. I wasn’t disappointed!
My first migratory visitors were a pair of Yellow-rumped (Audubon) warblers. They didn’t stay very long and I was somewhat disappointed that I didn’t get photos of the female.

It wasn’t long before I began to lose track of the numbers of sightings, but over the course of the afternoon I estimated that I had at least three visits from Orange-crowned warblers,

at least three visits from male Wilson’s warblers

and a possible visit from a Nashville warbler, which had I confirmed it, would have been my first sighting of one in the yard. I only got a brief glimpse of the bird but noted that it had a light gray hood which contrasted with the rest of the bird. At any rate, it wasn’t one of the other warblers that I had seen that day. This brought the total number of warbler species for the day to four! The migration is on!
With an overcast it was a good day for photography and I also managed to obtain good photographs of several other birds in the yard.

In addition I heard what might have been Black-headed grosbeaks in the surrounding area. In past years I logged initial sightings between 4/30 and 5/17 with more recent years skewing towards earlier dates. But those dates would have been past the dates I first heard them in the neighborhood.
I was interested in continuing this observation streak the next day (Thursday, May 5), but unfortunately it rained to some extent for most of the day, ruling out photography and perhaps affecting the migration. At any rate it affected my opportunities for yard observations even though I attempted to monitor things from the windows from time to time.