On the morning of April 25, 2022, as is my habit on the way back home from my morning walk, I drove by the Cap Sante Marina to see if there were any waterfowl or shorebirds in evidence. A single Common loon was “sleeping’ on the water! I rushed home, retrieved my camera and returned to the marina to find the loon in the same location, still “sleeping”. I use quotation marks around the sleeping because even though inactive, the loons seem to always have at least one eye open.

I watched the loon for a long time… maybe half an hour and it never lifted its head. It finally began cruising and I was able to obtain some good photos. This loon is still morphing into its breeding plumage, in contrast with the one I photographed on March 29, 2022. (See my post of April 11, Marina & Yard.)

As a bonus, there was a Great Blue heron fishing in the shallow water. The lack of wind allowed me to get a nice photo with the heron’s reflection in the water.