On March 20, 2022, we finally had a male Rufous hummingbird that it seemed might spend the spring with us. Our first sighting of a male had been March 11, but that male had stayed in the yard only about a minute before moving on. This new arrival spent the day defending one of our feeders and gave me many opportunities for quality photographs. Here are a few of the photographs, unfortunately of a lower quality than they display on my 27″ iMac Retina screen:

The following day (March 21) I spent a couple of late-morning hours waiting for the Rufous male to return, but it had apparently moved on. Just before 1pm I decided to go back into the house. I had been feeding peanut pieces to sparrows and chickadees and I left a few on a rock where I had been sitting. I glanced back at the yard just before going inside and was surprised to see a Yellow-rumped warbler fly down to the rock with the peanut pieces and then quickly fly back across the yard! I quickly reseated myself with my camera in the hopes of getting a photograph, and although the warbler perched briefly at several places around the yard, I was not able to get the opportunity for a photograph. This was our first warbler of the season/year… we’re hoping for many more!