A few photos to get the New Year off right! These photos were all taken on January 7, 2022.
With a friend I first canvassed the neighborhood and found a few Varied thrushes, one of the females of which is pictured here.

We next encountered this Bald eagle perched on a power pole on March Point. Always better to find them perched on tree limbs, but along the roads the good perches on trees are rarer.

This Great Blue Heron was beside a road over on the Skagit Flats.

It was a fairly uneventful excursion, but when I returned to the house I noticed that there were quite a few birds in the yard, so I set up outside for awhile. Here’s a female Dark-eyed (Oregon) junco.

This is the leucistic male Dark-eyed (Oregon) junco that’s spending its second winter with us.

Other visitors to the yard include this Fox sparrow…

a Song sparrow…

and this Golden-crowned sparrow.