October 24, 202, brought a windstorm which continued into the next day. On October 25 I had no hope for birding but on returning from an errand in the early afternoon I noticed the yard was full of birds. Once inside I realized that there was a Yellow-rumped warbler around the watercourse, so I grabbed my camera and transitioned to the yard. I was soon overrun with Yellow-rumped warblers, all of which seemed to be juveniles or females. I estimate that for the next couple of hours there were as many as ten Yellow-rumped warblers in the yard at one time! I thought it was somewhat unusual in that we had a relatively high wind which usually discourages bird activity in the yard. I managed a LOT of photos of the warblers… here are some examples…

During my time in the yard I saw a male Varied thrush sneaking around the perimeter of the yard but it never came in close enough for a good photo. The thrushes have been very cautious this fall and I have yet to get a really good photo one.

Also sneaking in to the watercourse among all the Yellow-rumped warblers was an Orange-crowned warbler… with all the warblers I felt lucky to have seen it and gotten photos.

Finally, our leucistic Dark-eyed (Oregon) junco reappeared after an apparent absence of several days.