I made short birding excursions around the Cap Sante neighborhood on both October 18 & 19, 2021. On both days I found a large number of juvenile Yellow-rumped warblers around one of the parking lots at the Cap Sante Marina and was able to get many photos. This concentration has been assembling at the same location each fall for several years now.

While photographing the warblers a male Ruby-crowned kinglet wandered past and I managed several photos.

I have been monitoring some of the madrone trees in the neighborhood for birds eating the ripe berries, but thus far there have not seen large numbers of birds in the trees.

On 10/19 I found three different species of warblers in the Cap Sante wetland but could only get a decent photo of an Orange-crowned warbler. I also saw a Townsend’s warbler, a species which usually visits our yard only about once each year… and we’ve already had our visit for the year earlier! I also saw two additional Yellow-rumped warblers.