I’ll start with a less than welcome visitor, a female Brown-headed cowbird photographed in the yard on June 6, 2020. Oddly enough, I have yet to see a male in the yard this year.

This Bewick’s wren has been a regular visitor to the yard and suet feeder this spring. It always leaves the yard to the east, presumably returning food to a nest.

I spent considerable time in the yard with not many results. I was just about to give it up for the day when a male Black-headed grosbeak showed up in the yard. These photos made up for all the time I had spent outside!

This photo of another less than welcome visitor from from June 8 is an introduced species, an Eurasian Collared dove. The best I can say about the three that currently visit our yard several times a day is that they help some of the other ground-feeding birds and squirrels clean up under the feeders.

June 10 began with my morning walk in Washington Park. Not long after returning home I received a call from friends/neighbors who told me that there were three Turkey vultures sitting in a dead tree in their yard. I grabbed my camera and drove to their house and took many photos.

Later in the day I obtained more photos in the yard. The overcast weather provided a great day for photography, in this case a male American goldfinch.

A male Northern flicker which is a versatile feeder… suet, peanuts and sunflower seed.

A Brown creeper, a daily visitor that comes only for the water. Its favorite water feature is a stone bird bath but on this day it accessed the watercourse which gave me an opportunity for closer photos.

We had a pair of Black-capped chickadees which apparently fledged young on our west patio. I photographed this parent feeding a fledgling on the east side of the house.

And sadly, I had a rare visit from a Pacific Slope flycatcher late in the day but was unable to obtain a photo, even though for an instant I had an opportunity to do so.