From an excursion outside the yard yesterday (3/26/2020)…
A Bald eagle photographed on West March Point Road…

A male Downy woodpecker intent on accessing the suet feeder in the yard…

After several years of enjoying and photographing hummingbirds accessing the watercourse, at the end of last summer I could only remember about four hummingbird visits to our watercourse during the 2019 season. Why so few I can’t imagine. However this year I’ve already observed two male Rufous hummingbird visits to the watercourse… one, as I think I may have mentioned, occurred when I was filling the watercourse and the other this afternoon. This afternoon I was in the yard with my camera and managed to record the event. The watercourse is flowing more robustly due to the larger pump I’m now using, but the hummingbird seems to have no qualms about landing in the increased flow. This hummingbird, as well as most of the other smaller birds, seem to prefer perching the edge of one of the drops for bathing purposes.