Arizona – 3

All of the following photos were taken in Madera Canyon, outside of Green Valley, Arizona.

Male Broad-billed Hummingbird
Mexican Jay
Mexican Jay

This is a male Black-headed grosbeak, a visitor to feeders at the B&B and the water seepage I mentioned in a previous post. These birds will be migrating to the Anacortes area in the spring and are frequent visitors to our feeders in Anacortes, WA, during their breeding season.

Male Black-Headed Grosbeak

Another male Painted redstart attracted to the water seepage.

Male Painted Redstart

This is a female Wild turkey which was part of a band that crossed the creek just above the B&B. There is apparently a permanent presence of these birds in the area and especially at the motel where bird seed is distributed. These birds are a constant presence below the feeders at the main lodge in the canyon. In this case, I’m not sure the label “Wild turkey” is applicable… “Free-range turkey” might be more accurate!

Wild Turkey

Another female Acorn woodpecker…

Female Acorn Woodpecker

I’ll have at least one more post of birds photographed in Arizona.