Saturday, October 19, 2019, began as an overcast day with a threat of rain. By mid-day I was trying to make a decision as to whether or not to go birding or stay home and watch sports. I finally opted for the birding. It rained to some extent all afternoon long and I had driven most of the route I planned to take with nothing to show for it… not a single photo! Finally, at the HQ tract on Fir Island (Wiley Slough) I found this American Robin eating blackberries, which uncharacteristically still have some ripe, viable blackberries on the vines this year. If you look closely you can see the blackberry juice stain on the bird’s beak.

While at Wiley Slough I ran into a birding friend and had a nice chat. Shortly after our visit a more constant rain began to develop in the Fir Island area and I decided to head home. It was a beautiful day and driving across Fir Island I could see the different areas of showers developing and taking place.
I stopped by an area I had previously visited on Pleasant Ridge and managed to ‘pish’ a Ruby-crowned kinglet out of heavy vegetation which featured some beautiful maple leaves in fall colors. The kinglet was extremely active and difficult to photograph but I finally managed one decent photo. I could justifiably label this bird a female but have realized that the males are so adept at hiding their crown (especially from this angle) that I hesitate to make a sex determination.

I’m not very adept at identifying trees of the Pacific Northwest and hope this is a maple leaf!

The last leg of my excursion was a trip around March Point where I photographed this Red-tailed hawk in an interesting pose.

As I continued my trip I encountered this Great Blue Heron which was more ‘photographable’ than many I had seen this day.

Continuing around the point I found a pair of Bald eagles sitting on top of adjacent power poles.

Not long after I returned home the sun broke through and bathed the town in a bright yellow light we could see from our house. Too late for my birding excursion but a nice tribute to another Pacific Northwest fall day!