On Wednesday, October 23, I began my birding excursion by cruising through the Cap Sante neighborhood. As I got to the wetland area I gazed up at a magnificent maple tree with turning leaves and was startled to see a Barred owl, fully in the open, staring back at me! I had my camera with me and wasted no time in beginning to take photos. Over the next hour or so I was able to notify several of my neighbors of the sight and they were able to view the owl. This may be the same owl I photographed a couple weeks ago, but this time I was much closer with no intervening branches.

I set out for Fir Island and on the way I encountered this female Anna’s hummingbird, at almost the same location where I photographed three Anna’s hummingbirds in the winter over the last couple of years. This small brushy area seems to be a haven for the birds.

I have been surprised at how many blackberries around the greater area still seem viable in late October this year.

Just before arriving on Fir Island I found a field full of several thousand Snow geese, giving me the opportunity for a little “skeet” practice! It amazes me the level of detail that can be obtained on flying birds!