September 17, 2018 Expedition

Birding in the yard has been VERY slow lately and as a consequence I’m beginning to shift to my extra-yard exploratory mode.  As you can see from some of my recent posts I have been visiting some of my winter birding haunts.  I’ve also been trying to catch up on some of my photo processing.

This particular post involves photos I took on a September 17, 2018, expedition around the area.  On this particular day I observed five Red-tailed hawks along about a mile stretch just south of Highway 20.  The photos here are of two of the hawks.

The other Red-tailed hawk was in the process of devouring a small rodent that it had just caught.  I’m surprised that I haven’t seen this activity more often over the years.

Down the hatch!

And in touring March Point on the way home I came across a small group (six as I recall) of Sanderlings.