A Very Good, Short Fall Day in the Yard!

Sunday  (9/9/2018) morning, I looked out our kitchen window towards the watercourse and spied what I thought was an Orange-crowned warbler. I grabbed my camera and sneaked into the yard and the bird, which had actually been a Yellow warbler, returned.  Over the next hour or so our yard filled with birds, including at least 30 House sparrows that are living in the neighborhood and I obtained many ‘better than most’ photos.  So here were some of our visitors which don’t include a male Wilson’s warbler that I wasn’t able to photograph.

The Yellow warbler

The Orange-crowned warbler

A Brown creeper

A male Spotted towhee

A Pine siskin with an unusually large patch of yellow…

A Chestnut-sided chickadee

A Black-capped chickadee

A male Anna’s hummingbird

And a Red-breasted nuthatch

And I want to mention a special visitor that we had on 9/6/2018… a Warbling vireo, our second visit during this fall migration…