Neighborhood Eagles

We had a nice break in the weather on March 31, with the day alternating between sunny skies and a slight overcast.  It was a welcome change in a month that saw Seattle set an all-time record rainfall for a March month.

It should come as no surprise that I took time to sit outside in the yard with my camera.  Yard activity was much slower than I had anticipated.  As I sat I noticed a crow making a couple of passes at the top of a very tall fir tree located a couple of hundred feet outside our property.  I focused my lens on the tree top and saw a Bald eagle sitting in the top of the tree.  The eagle was a long ways away and mostly obscured by fir needles, but I took a couple of photos and as I did a second eagle flew into the top of the tree.  This generated some posturing and flapping of wings for the newcomer to adjust its balance.

I took a couple of more photos and then a third eagle flew in, and this third arrival upset the balance of nature!  There was a lot of posturing and screaming before the third eagle decided it might be best to leave.  The eagle flew directly towards me when it left, but unfortunately all of  this happened rather unexpectedly and I didn’t have the time to optimize the settings on my camera for focus and shutter speed.  Nevertheless I obtained some interesting photos…

Eagle, Bald  20140331-03 Eagle, Bald  20140331-04 Eagle, Bald  20140331-10 Eagle, Bald  20140331-11