Waterfowl & Shorebirds

Over the past week or so I’ve made several photographic/birding excursions but have failed to post any photos.  So here are some water-related photos…

DSC_2186 On the same day I photographed this gull who was bypassing mussels in favor of a larger meal…



On March 20, I toured March Point and found a female Bufflehead very close to the shore.  This allowed me to get some very nice photos.  I returned the next day and there were four female Buffleheads in the same place, and before I left (after taking many photos) all four had walked up on the rocky beach.  This was the first time I had ever seen a Bufflehead out of the water!

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And today (3/25/2014), I spend some time down on West Beach on Whidbey Island.  Having some patience and a little luck finally netted me two Black oystercatchers which flew onto a rock in front of me.  I obtained probably the best oystercatcher photos I have in my portfolio, with the oystercatchers eventually walking within about twenty feet of me as I leaned against a rock and photographed them.  I also saw a lot of other waterfowl.

I’ll leave you with this silhouette of a gull landing on a rock…











































d this Common loon, in breeding plumage, in the Swinomish Channel last week.