
I mentioned in a previous post, and furnished a photograph, of our first male Rufous hummingbird visitor.  On March 15, I spent time in the yard in hopes of photographing more arrivals.  I can’t identify the individual hummingbirds, but we had at least one male Anna’s, presumably the one that has spent the winter with us, a male Rufous and two female Rufous hummingbirds.

Hummingbird, Rufous  20140315-01

One of the first female Rufous hummingbirds to visit the yard in 2014.

At one point I photographed a male Rufous and female Rufous sharing the hummingbird feeder.  (Note:  Skagit Wild Bird is now carrying the Aspects-type feeder in a smaller 4oz. size, perfect for early spring, fall and winter feeding when there are fewer hummingbirds around.

Male and female Rufous hummingbirds sharing feeder.

Male and female Rufous hummingbirds sharing feeder.

I again spent time in the yard on March 17, hoping for more hummingbirds and a sunnier day.  There was a slight wind blowing and it was cold, and I didn’t get that many bird photos.  However I did get this male Anna’s hummingbird taking a bath in the watercourse… with minimum light and at a higher ISO than I would have liked.


Male Anna’s hummingbird…


And here are a couple of more Rufous hummingbirds for good measure…


Male Rufous hummingbird…


Female Rufous hummingbird…

I expect that the coming months will offer a lot more hummingbird photographic opportunities.  You may get tired seeing the photos, but I never tire of taking them!