Skagit Waterfowl

On 12/31/2013, facing seemingly deteriorating weather conditions, I discovered a Common loon in the northwest portion of the Cap Sante Marina on the way home.  I went home and retrieved my camera and returned to the marina to find that the loon had been joined by a pair of Hooded mergansers… an added bonus!  I took photos of all three birds and in the middle of my photography in flew a pair of Mallards.  The mallards are generally common, but these were a little odd because in the middle of waterfowl season they seemed to have no reservations about heading to the corner of the marina where I was standing.  So I added them to the bag!

Common Loon

Common Loon

Male Hooded Merganser at Cap Sante Marina

Male Hooded Merganser at Cap Sante Marina


Pair of Mallards at Cap Sante Marina

Pair of Mallards at Cap Sante Marina

Things were slow around the household on New Years Day (1/1/2014) so I suggested to my wife that we take a little waterfront excursion early in the afternoon.  We turned up nothing at the marina, but over on March’s Point we discovered what is apparently a Common loon, but with substantially different coloring (lighter) than the one I had photographed in the marina the previous day.  A little further down the road I encountered another pair of Hooded mergansers, and on this occasion the male had a rather large fish it its bill… certainly a bonus for photography!  I was again suffering through less than ideal lighting conditions, but when you photograph wildlife you don’t get to choose your opportunities!

Common Loon at March's Point

Common Loon at March’s Point

Male Hooded Merganser at March's Point

Male Hooded Merganser at March’s Point

Male Hooded Merganser with Fish at March's Point

Male Hooded Merganser with Fish at March’s Point