New Spring Migrant!

We logged another new spring migrant in the yard today (4/1/2020)… a (male) American goldfinch! I had been anticipating this species’ arrival for at least a couple of weeks and it finally arrived early in the afternoon on this bright, sunny afternoon.

Male American Goldfinch – first spring arrival

In some past years we have had goldfinches in the yard off and on all winter, but this winter they have been absent. I’ve found that in some winters they can reliably be found at Skagit Wild Bird Supply on Memorial Highway, and I have even seen them occasionally when birding in the field, so we do have some (small) portion of the population that overwinters in the area. I keep records on the arrival of some migrants but since there are often some goldfinches coming and going during winter months I can’t record a definite migration arrival date for the species every year. But we haven’t had goldfinches for several months so 2020 gets an arrival date.

It was evident that this bird had seen a feeder before. It made a couple of passes at the feeder before discovering that it had to be accessed by clinging underneath. Once it discovered that trick it set up around the feeder and accessed it repeatedly, although it didn’t appear to be in the yard continuously during the afternoon.

BONUS PHOTO! While out in the yard monitoring the goldfinch I photographed this male Downy woodpecker that is a regular visitor to one of our suet feeders. Unfortunately we have not had a female in the yard. We’re hoping this male finds a mate for the breeding season!